오늘 날씨가 34도를 넘는 한여름 날씨를 보였습니다. 날씨가 무더워지면 아무리 냉장고에 있다고 해도 매일 수많은 음식물이 유통기한 초과로 버려질수 밖에 없습니다. 그러나 유통기한이 다소 지났더라도 먹어도 괜찮은 음식이 있다고 영국의 데일리 메일이 30일 보도했습니다.
토마토는 시간이 지날수록 달달해지며 부드럽고 주름이 많을수록 좋다. 과육에 어두운 빛깔이 돌더라도 괜찮다. 너무 묽거나 곰팡이가 생기거나 알코올 냄새가 나면 버리는 것이 좋다.
계란은 유통기한 3주가 지나도 먹어도 괜찮다. 계란의 상태를 확인하려면 물에 넣어봐라. 가라앉으면 아직 괜찮지만 그렇지 아니하면 버려라.
요플레는 락트산 발효 과정을 거치기 때문에 유통기한이 지나더라도 괜찮다. 락트산 발효 과정을 거치면 우유를 신선하게 유지시키기 때문에 안심해도 된다. 곰팡이가 생기면 (요플레에 생기는 곰팡이는 다양한 색깔로 나타난다) 버리는 것이 좋다.
아이스크림은 얼리는 식품에도 불구하고 생각보다 오래가지는 않는다. 아이스크림은 지방이 많이 함유되어있기 때문에 100 퍼센트 얼지 않는 것이 그 이유다. 3개월이면 아이스크림의 “신선한 맛”이 사라질 것이다.
소고기는 유통기한에서 5주가 흘러도 먹어도 괜찮다. 썩거나 냄새가 나면 버리는 것이 맞지만 작은 곰팡이들만 있다면 먹어도 괜찮다. 작은 곰팡이가 있으면 헝겊과 식초를 곰팡이를 닦아내어 완전히 익혀서 먹어야한다.
(코리아헤럴드 )
<관련 영문 기사>
Some food stays good past expiration dates
There is plenty of food that is thrown away just for being past the labeled expiration date. But some of this food is actually still safe to eat even after the expiration dates, according to the Daily Mail.
Tomatoes get sweeter over time and are better when softer and wrinklier. They are edible even at the point when they get dark inside. But they have to be thrown away if they are watery, mouldy or smell of alcohol.
Eggs can be eaten up to three weeks after their expiration date. If you want to find out if your egg is still OK, drop it into a glass of water. If it’s floats, it’s time to throw it away.
Yoghurt remains safe to eat well past the expiration date because it undergoes a lactic fermentation process, which elongates the fresh period of dairy products. However, you need to toss them away if the yoghurt gets moldy.
Ice cream
Notice how the ice cream does not stay frozen for long? That’s because ice cream contains a high concentration of fat and hence, seldom freezes 100 percent. The fresh flavor will be gone in about 3 months.
Beef stays good even 5 weeks after its expiry date. If the meet gets rotten or smelly, however, it has to be thrown away. But if it has a few mouldy spots, you can remove them with a cloth and vinegar. After that, cook it until it‘s well done, and enjoy your beef bacteria-free.
Flour and spices
Sterilized flour and spices are safe to eat even 6 months after their expiry dates. If you see little holes on the surface, however, throw them away since they are likely to contain mites.
Some food stays good past expiration dates
There is plenty of food that is thrown away just for being past the labeled expiration date. But some of this food is actually still safe to eat even after the expiration dates, according to the Daily Mail.
Tomatoes get sweeter over time and are better when softer and wrinklier. They are edible even at the point when they get dark inside. But they have to be thrown away if they are watery, mouldy or smell of alcohol.
Eggs can be eaten up to three weeks after their expiration date. If you want to find out if your egg is still OK, drop it into a glass of water. If it’s floats, it’s time to throw it away.
Yoghurt remains safe to eat well past the expiration date because it undergoes a lactic fermentation process, which elongates the fresh period of dairy products. However, you need to toss them away if the yoghurt gets moldy.
Ice cream
Notice how the ice cream does not stay frozen for long? That’s because ice cream contains a high concentration of fat and hence, seldom freezes 100 percent. The fresh flavor will be gone in about 3 months.
Beef stays good even 5 weeks after its expiry date. If the meet gets rotten or smelly, however, it has to be thrown away. But if it has a few mouldy spots, you can remove them with a cloth and vinegar. After that, cook it until it‘s well done, and enjoy your beef bacteria-free.
Flour and spices
Sterilized flour and spices are safe to eat even 6 months after their expiry dates. If you see little holes on the surface, however, throw them away since they are likely to contain mites.
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